The Bierzo Region and Weird Things
Beautiful wine country. See below for the weird things.
Day 24, Ponferrada to Villafranca del Bierzo
This was the wine and cheese tour day, minus the wine and cheese. We are in the Bierzo region, known for its wine, and although it is quite beautiful, I am officially in countdown mode. One week to Santiago de Compostella. See photos with descriptions below.
©Theresa Elliott, All Rights Reserved
This photo, more than any other, made me wish I had a better camera than my iPhone. Sandy suggested buying me one, but I didn’t want the extra weight and the extra stuff. He is standing in the middle of the road with the gathering gloom behind. White hat set off by the sun while he gets a “wild life” shot.
The photo Sandy was taking of me while I was taking a photo of him. Note the stark difference in weather between the two photos taken at the same time.
Because everyone needs one.
And they are especially lovely in the green foliage with thunder in the background from another approaching storm that tailed us for miles.
There you go. Now you know as much about the creation of these amazing objects as I do.
You start to recognize people by their calves. I’d know these two from behind anywhere. The guy on the left is always wearing gators. And the guy on the right is always sunburned an’ hairy.
Wow is she slow. I already did it!