Everyone Walks
The Cowboy Station. Every Camino needs one!
Day 22, Astorga to Foncebadón
All kinds walk the Camino. Today was a very busy day on the trail and a study in contrasts.
At one point we walked into a storm. Not my favorite. But it’s bark was worse that it’s bite and we walked around it. Sandy kept telling me there was no storm. I kept showing him the pictures.
©Theresa Elliott, All Rights Reserved
Two priests from Barcelona, dressed in the traditional cassock, taking turns reciting the rosary at a very fast clip.
These men were walking and praying for cancer survivors. They have a Facebook page, and twice a day they, and their friends on Facebook all pray together. Gustav, the man on the left, is in the middle of his 6th Camino; 4 he did with his wife who then died of cancer.
Lots of kids today, meaning, the 20-30’s crowd.
Going into the front, crossing fingers the path would turn left.
Still crossing fingers . . .
Blech. What’s that phrase? Dream on?
But it’s awesome. So beautiful with the bright sun behind us, thunder booming. I dunno. Maybe I felt very alive wondering if I might soon be dead?
Somehow we, meaning the storm and us, missed each other. We made it over the mountain pass and into the semi-clear without encounter rain or lightning bolts.