Elder Spanish Masculinity
Day 21, Villar de Mazarife to Astorga
I rounded the corner into the bar and hit the blockade of Elder Spanish Masculinity head on. It was far from my intent: I just wanted a beer. I didn’t know it was Monday afternoon game time. There were at least 10 full tables of men, almost identically dressed, all past the age of 70. Those assessing eyes looked up to see me, and although they did not betray their game face, it was very clear to me, I was ”other.”
I panicked and turned to Sandy: “is it okay that I’m in here?”
About that time the bar tender rounded the corner. She was all sunshine and light, as if to say, it’s okay fellow female. You are safe here! Welcome!
They probably adore her.
See the rest of the story below in photos with commentary.
©Theresa Elliott, All Rights Reserved
Across from the bar where the ESM where playing their board games. Yes. I drank my beer outside. With Sandy.
Sandy Brown feels at home with the Space Needle-esc flying saucer in the back ground.
Terrific new Camino buddies. Andy and Patrick are a father daughter team from Spokane, Washington. Smart, funny people. And that’s what I looked like when I walked into the bar.
This is a “way” marker. Usually they are yellow signs, often spray painted on rocks or sidewalks, but sometimes you see them done out of stone. This particular rock way marker was rather beautiful, and many of the rocks had messages of encouragement or were remembrances of lost loved ones.
This guy was too cool, and having ridden two wheels across cobble stone and paid dearly for it, my hat was off to him as he slowly bobbled across this long bridge on his Scamparound. Villar de Mazarife.
This is the bridge. Nothing to sneeze at in a Scamparound.
Still going strong later in town.
Craziest pedestrian over pass I have ever seen.
Wow. Those Spaniards just don’t stop. Doors to the Astorga Cathedral.
Again, more stunning beauty.
Cool shot. Has a little Adams family vibe to it.