Sorry I know you can’t unsee this, but I figure it’s part of a public service announcement and therefore necessary.
I’m learning the difference between an allergic reaction, a heat rash, and Golfer’s Vasculitis. Nothing a little antihistamine, sun bloc, Aloe Vera and hydrocortisone cream won’t cure. And long pants. And no walking. And no sun. And legs up the wall.
A heat rash came up in the last hour of Sunday’s hike. Yes, it kinda freaked me out, even though it didn’t hurt. Sorry I know you can’t unsee this, but I figure it’s part of a public service announcement and therefore necessary. I thought it was an allergic reaction to the SPF I was using: I was so worried about getting burned I reasoned I had OD’d on sunscreen, and it was all over my thighs.
However, another rash I am susceptible to, Golfer’s Vasculitis, also made it’s grand entrance. Because it is induced by a sudden increase in exercise, (I’m 10 days into this folks,) in people over 50 whose circulation isn’t considered so good, (w h a t e v e r, insert eye roll here), and prolong walking in the heat (got me there) is is also called Disney Rash, for people who exercise little and then suddenly spend days walking around Disney land in the heat. I so don’t quality and yet there it was, just above the sock line looking like ever the fashion statement on my ankles and calves. Like the heat rash on my thighs, I am lucky because it neither hurts nor itches, common complaints, and I gotta admit, out of the two rashes, it looks way, way better than my thighs.
A bodhisvatta at yesterday’s farmacia steered me towards a higher SPF (50), hydrocortisone cream, after sun care, and told me to put my pants back on, no more shorts. I was afraid the extra heat created by long pants would make the rash worse, but that is the lesser of two evils.
©Theresa Elliott, All Rights Reserved
Blarg. I know this culprit — Golfer’s Vasculitis. Have gotten it twice on the Via di Francesco. Sorta thought since I was in a different country I might avoid it.
Seriously, same legs less than 24 hours later. Legs up the wall helps with blood flow and for me works like gang busters. Note the compeed around my big toes, a preventative measure for blisters, and my pedicure still looks good!
My team.