León: Rest and All You Can Beer Day, # 3
The bustling city of León, Spain
Day 19 and 20, León
Rest and “all you can beer” day in the vibrant city of Leon. See photos with descriptions below that tell the story.
©Theresa Elliott, All Rights Reserved
Lovely moment with a couple and statue of Gaudy.
Front of the statue
I saw this jumper on three different girls. I want it.
2nd girl literally jumping in the cute jumper.
Scooting down the alley of scrutiny. Cafes filled with tables line both side of this street near the El Romantico District. All that saves you is the other 100 people you are walking with.
This is Sunday night, people.
One of the things I deeply appreciate about the Spanish, besides their very clean streets, is the size of their sugar packets. It takes me 4 packets of Starbucks sugar to achieve my desired result, and only 1 in Spain.
Side street looking towards Cafe Culture.