Fashion Forward
It’s the blue stripe that really pulls it all together.
Day 9, Los Arcos to Logroño
For today’s söx-n-sañdàls™ fashion forward look, I’ve paired my wool and silk socks lining, carefully rolling them down over the straps of my sandals to create a fresh new look. #admityoulikeit #youknowyouwantit #youcantbecuseitsmine #söxenvie #websiteopeningsoon #imsoconfused For the record, I don’t own a twitter account.
It was a glorious morning. Out the door at 6:30am, our weather has been unseasonably, and gratefully cool. Here we are in Spain with temperatures in the mid-70’s, while Seattle roasts in 90 degree heat. Guess we just know how to live.
Although modest terrain, today’s stage took 7.5 hours to cover 30km, eventually landing in Logroño, in the region of Rioja.
©Theresa Elliott, All Rights Reserved
Early morning sun makes fun shadows.
The views of Sansol with the clouds, sun and fields were breathtaking.
I just have a thing for windmills, and these looked especially mythical in the distance. I hear Zeppelin.
Today was such a luxury. I was cold half the day and I did nothing to change it.
Massive doors at the church in Viana.
My view at lunch right across the street. For you foodies, the Spanish classic of frites, fried eggs and jambon.
Inside those doors. The church in Viana, Navarre, Spain.
Close up of the retablo.
Sandy Brown workin’ away.
Ya, it’s cool, but not after 20 miles of walking. The stairs leading up to our apartment in Logroño, in the region of Rioja.
Looking out onto the city from our room for the night.
Mural on the side of a building in Logroño. The pilgrim stamps featured on the torso of this man is a tacit acknowledgement of the influence and importance of the Camino de Santiago.
Drive-throughs, Logroño style. Streets lined with restaurants with open windows for ordering food. Fabulous.