To Pole or Not to Pole?
Day 12, Santo Domingo de la Calzada to Belorado
I don’t use poles in general when I walk but have used them to modest effect going downhill, which I suppose makes me ambi- or bi-polar.
But I realized I like walking with something in both hands, preferably light weight that requires little effort to hold. Seems it should be annoying, but you see many people doing it, and like me, I suspect they have room in their pack, and it’s not about easy access to, say, an iPhone or bottle of water.
It feels easier to walk with something light in my hands. I have a theory. Closed kinetic chain: closed chain exercises are exercises or movements where the distal aspect of the extremity is fixed to an object that is stationary. This allows a recruiting of the muscles not otherwise found. You know that long, horizontal bar you’ve seen tie wire walkers use for balance? That’s a closed kinetic chain, integrating the arms into the torso so the arms don’t flail about (also gives a counter balance.) I think carrying something light makes me more efficient, allows for this same integration and feels like my arms are helping my legs to walk.
I also noticed my hands do not swell, and since I am geeking out, it pans out in Yoga as well. People turn purple in their face when they do headstand in props that support the shoulders and let the head hang. There is no constriction/action of the neck muscles, they are passive and all the blood pools in the head. However, if the head is on the ground, the neck is active, and the purple/red face is greatly reduced. That’s how walking and headstand are related.
We anticipated slogging through rain and mud on today’s walk, but it never happen, that is, until we went to dinner . Then we got trapped in town at a restaurant in a massive thunder and lighting storm. One of the wait staff took pity on us and drove us back to our albergue. Maybe they just wanted to close, but we jumped at the offer.
©Theresa Elliott, All Rights Reserved
Looks like the old Paint by Numbers we did as kids. Note: All my photos are with an iPhone, and I rarely alter them. I might change the exposure, but that’s about it. This photo has not been altered at all.
Love the summations of Fitbit. Here’s a side by side comparison in steps and in miles.
The storm that missed us during the day.
Strolling into town for dinner and a storm.