The Breakfast Buffet, and Olives
Six hot dishes, all for breakfast.
Istanbul #3 of 4
The weather here has been uncharacteristically Seattle-esc, only worse, so this post is dedicated to the indoor activity of eating, focusing on the inspiring breakfast buffet at our hotel.
I’m not a breakfast person, period. However, the last few mornings upon waking my first thoughts have been, b u f f et . . . b r e a k f e a s t b u f f e t . . .
Not a terribly adventurous eater either, but I’m plating up things with names I cannot read much less pronounce. There are no Cheerios, Fruit Loops, or Frosted Flakes. No make ‘em yourself waffles nor bacon. So bonus points to me as I have no idea what I’m eating but it’s down the hatch anyway.
See below for pictures of food the last few days, many items without names, but still an attempt at captions.
©Theresa Elliott, All Rights Reserved
I have never seen such a unique and enticing display of honey comb. Mini ice cream cone-tops filled to the brim for quick access. Right? This is breakfast. I think tomorrow I carve for myself
I’m sorry Italy. I’m sure this has to do with a character flaw in me, but this is the best coffee I have ever had, and it’s coming out of this little, podunk machine. At least it’s coffee in Turkey, not Starbucks coffee, that I am preferring.
Whatever these olives are in the lower left, and they are not Kalamata, I am eating them with breakfast, eating them with lunch, eating them with dinner, and eating them with dessert.
According to friend Elif Lee, lentil soup is my muse. Agreed. I’m about five bowls into it in the last three days. To the side cayenne pepper, lemon and savory croutons.
Food without boarders.
I have no idea what the red mass is in this antipasti, and the plate is minus the black olive it came with because I lost my head and ate it before taking a picture. My best guess is a savory tomato and grain spread, retained in the shape of the hand and fingers that squeezed it.
“Aegean Salad” in a decorative olive bowl, no less. Some feta like cheese (turns out it’s Ezine) with extra olives because I asked for them, sliced dried figs and plum vinaigrette.
What’s a trip to Turkey without Baklava, and wondering what that asshole Donald Trump is now doing south of here?