

narratives of life.


My first attempts at gardening involved tending my little brother’s pot plants when I was a teen. Judging by the size of those plants, it went rather well. I’ve had many modest gardens in my life but it wasn’t until 40 years later and a move out of Seattle that my aptitude as a gardener would be used to it’s fullest expression. I am now developing and tending a plot of land I call “Butchart Garden’s South,” while simultaneously working in a local greenhouse. These are my adventures with plants, and sometimes, their friendly human caretakers.

Photo: working amongst the hostas in my garden.


Funny, in all the essays posted here, I don’t think I ever talk about health, or, omg, what to eat. Just observations and story telling of my 30 years of life lived in Spandex.

I retired in early 2020, just in time for COVID to turn the world on it’s head. Usually that would be my job, and I’d be way nicer about it, but I landed on my feet, and essays on my transition from yoga educator to green house girl can be found under “Gardening.”

For yoga index by subject, see drop down menu above.

Photo: teaching at the Taj.


I was introduced to the idea of a camino or pilgrimage at the age of 53. Pilgrimage: a journey made to a sacred place as an act of religious devotion. Sounds nice but if you had abandoned religious ideas in your early 20’s, and I had, it could have been a head scratcher as to how to fit into the camino equation. But most things of value can be reduced down to principle, and at principle level, there was no conflict with walking a camino: be present and evolve. Works for me.

For Camino index by pilgrimage, see drop down menu above.

Photo: ascending the stone stairway at Col St Bernard.

Life & Family

Everything else.

Photo: Elliott kids ready for the annual Kiddy Parade, circa 1967.


All blog posts indexed alphabetically.

Photo: New friends at the Seattle Gay Pride Parade, 2013.